Over the last few days I have been cleaning up and catching up. I’m trying to finish writing projects that have been on the back burner. Here’s one: The Catholic Church. I began it a couple of months ago. I read Laudato Si’ and annotated it. When I finally came to write it up I was astonished at how clearly it places the Catholic Church as a supporter of a global, totalitarian, communist, government. I encourage you to read my article.
Here are a few daily news articles that you wont find on the CBC: Tracking the Virus. I’ve added bits and pieces throughout the site as usual. None particularly stand out.
Here’s a recent video by JP Sears for a laugh:
It’d been a while since I provided any music. The YouTube algos aren’t giving me any ideas these days. However, here’s a wonderful piece, Os justi, by Anton Bruckner and sung by Tenebrae. Although written in 1879, melodically I might have placed it a century or two earlier.