There is something about writing that I’ve noticed personally. I find a theme or issue that I want to explore. I’ve usually collected an assortment of references that seem to relate to the idea. I may go days or weeks writing pieces in my head. Finally, like that moment in the fall when one goose decides to fly south, hopefully with the rest following in formation, I start to write.

When it’s going well, the words literally flow out. I’ve learned to ‘go with the flow’ and worry about cleaning up spelling and grammar later. But sometimes the flow stops suddenly. The magic is gone and it becomes a struggle. Sometimes I push through, sometimes I simply abandon the project or sometimes I place it in draft mode until either inspiration or more material arrives.

A year ago I was posting pages that had some music theme with examples from YouTube. The idea was to bring music into the lives of others at a particularly dark time in our culture. Here’s one that I had started and left unfinished for some reason.


I recently came across a recording of Allegri’s ‘Miserere mei, Deus’ by a choir called Tenebrae. This is a piece that came upon the scene a few decades ago in a manor similar to Pachelbel’s ‘Canon in D’ which went viral (for the times) back in the 1960’s. As a result I rarely listen to it now.

However, the Miserere is noted for the soprano soloist’s challenge to move from a G to a top C. I’m always curious to see how a choir handles this. The English cathedral choirs usually have a boy soprano or treble sing the part. In this case at the 1:38 minute mark, a young woman does a good job of it although she looks like she really had to reach for this note..

For the sake of comparison, here’s an older recording by the choir of King’s College Cambridge. The soloist that is unfortunately not featured in the video (it may be the lad on the cover), is a boy treble:


I started a blog in 2011 called The POOG, an acronym for "pissed off old guy". This is the current incarnation.


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