I am working on my weekly update for Saturday but two new interviews of Scott Ritter and Col. Douglas Macgregor have been released today. There may be some urgency to them and the Saturday report is pretty well filled.
The first is Judge Andrew Napolitano interviewing Scott Ritter (21:28 minutes). The major topic of discussion is of the possible triggers for creating a nuclear conflict out of this war.
Scott mentions a major speech to be delivered by Putin tomorrow. I’ll be looking for it.
The second is is Judge Andrew Napolitano interviewing Col. Douglas Macgregor (18:51 minutes). The latest heavy equipment being sent by the West is discussed.
Macgregor estimates close to half a million Ukrainian troops killed or wounded. This is estimated to be 8x the Russian casualties. He also sees the possibility of a nuclear exchange.
Another Perspective
Readers familiar with my blog know that I am writing a series of articles on the war between Good and Evil, with a focus on ‘end times’. There is a definite sequence of events leading up to the end of the world. Writing of it is a project that I will be starting shortly. However, from what I understand at this point, it doesn’t rule out some kind of nuclear war but there are very clear events that otherwise must and will happen.
The bad news (for some) is that you are going to die – at the end of your life although not before. The good news for Christians is that it doesn’t matter. Something much better awaits you. If you lack that confidence then I recommend that you make it your highest priority today. Get saved.
Articles In This Series
Refer to the series index in The WWIII Chronicles.
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1 Comment
Bruce Smith · January 18, 2023 at 12:53 pm
I still have no reason to give the people on the video interviews any credence. The numbers are still ridiculous, the statements still outlandish. With all that in mind, the Russians, clearly superior from what these people say, have been at it for over a year, and yet they haven’t won and ended it. Something doesn’t add up.