Because the two video commentators sometimes cover 1 chapter in a video, two chapters in another, and in the odd case three chapters in one video but not in the same breakdown, it has been a challenge to align them under my series part structure. This part in particular seemed too collect all the discrepancies which is why the layout mat seem strange.
Chapter 12: A Woman Clothed with the Sun
Taylor Marshall’s Commentary on Chapter 12: Our Lady of the Apocalypse
Chapter 12 is about the woman who is Mary, Mother of Jesus. It describes the battle with evil that results from the birth of Christ (56:37 minutes).
The birth of Christ is the event that creates a war in heaven resulting in the Devil and his angels being cast out upon the earth. It is noted that he now has a “short time” before the final judgment and must act quickly to destroy believers. It is of note that it is at this point that Satan begins a war against faithful believers.
Taylor points out a remarkable thing in verse 17. We true believers are all children of the Holy Mother! I had never caught this before.
Taylor Marshall’s Commentary on Chapter 13: A Beast Named Blasphemy Having the Number 666
Here’s the video for Taylor’s mark of the beast chapter (57:54 minutes).
The Two Beasts
Taylor has the sea beast as Rome and the land beast as Israel. This is the preterist view – that the events have already happened. That the full end times prophecies have not been fulfilled creates problems for a preterist view. I am more interested in a current view. Can we map our recent history onto the Apocalyptic prophecies?
The beast in 13:1 has a similar description as the red dragon or Satan in 12:3, and is said to be empowered by the dragon. This means that if the red dragon is Satan, this beast is not Satan but something conforming to Satan and his principles.
Ellicott describes the sea as “The sea represents the great, restless mass of human kind; or, as it is expressed in Revelation 17:15 , ‘peoples and multitudes.‘” Rather than a specific entity, Ellicott says the ‘beast’ really represents the “beast nature”, the broad Satanic spirit permeating our world today. I would then associate the beast with the philosophy and practice of humanism.
Thinking along the lines that the beast must have a global interpretation, the UN and the WEF would be good candidates. Since the WEF supports the UN as the implementer of its globalist agenda, I would then say that the UN is the sea beast.
This interpretation then allows us to interpret the second land beast introduced in 13:11, as the Antichrist who will come out of Israel (per Taylor Marshall). The remainder of the chapter tells us many things about the Antichrist and what to watch out for with his coming.
Pastor Paul LeBoutillier’s Commentary on Chapters 12 & 13
Here’s the video for Paul’s mark of the beast chapter (55:42 minutes).
Additional Commentaries on Chapter 12
- Matthew Henry’s Commentary
- Gill’s Exposition
- Pulpit Commentary
- Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers
Additional Commentaries on Chapter 13
- Matthew Henry’s Commentary
- Gill’s Exposition
- Pulpit Commentary
- Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers
My Comments
I distinguish between the political acts of Israel and those of the rest of the world. I do not comment on Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian or Iranian people. Israel is God’s to be judged by and I would not presume to prejudge God. In this chapter there are separate beasts – Satanic powers or rulers – for the Jews and the rest of the world.
In the modern age, a digital ID, which will allow for a Central Bank Digital Currency, is being implemented as we speak. This will allow the state to control all commerce and all behaviour. What form it will take is not clear at this point but I would not be surprised to find its identification reducible to the number 666 in some way.
Chapters 14: The 144,000 and the Fate of Jerusalem
Taylor Marshall’s Commentary on Chapter 14
Chapter 14 describes the 144,000 and the fall of Babylon (59:45 minutes).
As I was reading the chapter, something stood out to me in verse 1: having his Father’s name written in their foreheads. Normally we use the preposition “on” to describe the placement of the seal suggesting an outward sign. But here the preposition used is “in”. Perhaps it’s a translation anomaly, otherwise it would be significant. The same use is found in verse 9 and also in 7:3.
The early Catholic Vulgate bible uses the Latin “in” which can be translated as “in” or “on”. Other common bible versions including the NIV and the New Oxford use “on”. Strong’s concordance of early Greek uses “on” or “upon” (epi). I guess “on” it is.
Taylor discusses the decision that we all must make. Do we accept the spirit of the lamb or do we receive the spirit of the world which is manifest particularly in preoccupation with social media, digital entertainment and popular activities that capture our attention and therefore devotion.
Taylor Marshall’s Commentary on Chapters 15-16: Seven Angels and Seven Last Plagues; Babylon
This part covers chapter 15-16 (1:03:38 minutes). It should be noted that “plague” is not necessarily disease but any event such as massive hail stones that can cause death and destruction.
Pastor Paul LeBoutillier’s Commentary on Chapter 14 – 16
In the next video, Paul covers 3 chapters on the seven final plagues (44:58 minutes).
Additional Commentaries on Chapter 14
- Matthew Henry’s Commentary
- Gill’s Exposition
- Pulpit Commentary
- Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers
Additional Commentaries on Chapter 15
- Matthew Henry’s Commentary
- Gill’s Exposition
- Pulpit Commentary
- Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers
Additional Commentaries on Chapter 16
- Matthew Henry’s Commentary
- Gill’s Exposition
- Pulpit Commentary
- Ellicott’s Commentary for English Readers
Articles in This Series
Refer to the series index in A New Direction.
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