Recently the Russians have reminded that they have nuclear weapons and take existential threats seriously. The west in typical knee-jerk fashion have reacted strongly: Putin Calls ‘Bulls**t’ On ‘Plans’ To Attack NATO, Says He’s Not Brandishing Nuclear Arms. Here’s a recent response in a newsforum: and

We also have this comment from Andrew Korybko: Don’t Take Domestic Russian Pundits Seriously: Russia Isn’t Preparing To Nuke Poland.

The recent escalations by NATO involve an attack on targets in the Russian homeland. The Russians are saying as clearly as possible to a tone deaf West that they will not tolerate this. Russians, and Putin in particular, are careful in their calculations and take a measured and reasoned approach to issues, unlike the West and the US in particular which shoot from the hip and ask questions later.

So far the US is not taking the Russians seriously. Slim Pickens, in Dr. Strangelove, shows us where they are headed.

On another matter, this may be why Macron has been the lead hawk in escalating NATO engagement: Macron Faces Crushing Defeat In EU Elections. It is the same with Biden who is losing badly. They need a war to distract the proletariat, arguing that they are the leaders necessary to achieve victory. War also masks their collapsing economies.


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I started a blog in 2011 called The POOG, an acronym for "pissed off old guy". This is the current incarnation.


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