Jonathan Cahn is a Messianic Jewish Rabbi practising in New Jersey. He has the YouTube channel Jonathan Cahn Official. It is important to access this specific site because there are others which steal his material and purport to be from him. Such sites allow his messages to be hijacked by demonic forces. He can also be reached at Beth Israel Worship Center and Hope of the World.
His preaching is extremely insightful because, being able to speak Hebrew as well as English, he often elucidates English scripture by being able to refer back to Hebrew scripture. This is important for understanding the Old Testament.
Tonight he published an emergency video in which he describes in detail, the pagan and satanic references in the Olympic opening ceremony.He in turn shows how it reflects the Satanic perversion of our real world. We are rapidly becoming a pagan society, worshipping the demonic forces underlying it.
Here is the video (41:56 minutes).
At the same time Dr. Taylor Marshall (Someone to Follow (11): Dr. Taylor Marshall) has published a new video describing how the Demonic message of the opening ceremony was continued in the closing ceremony (1:05:27 minutes).
I follow both Cahn and Marshall because the events in our world are being driven by Satanic forces. There is a war raging between good and evil which I identified for my self a couple of years ago. Every one should be aware of it and understand it in its manifestations in our society. Brothers and sisters, we ARE in the end times. Is there oil in your lamp?
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