These two news items appeared in my inbox today, NATO Country Sends Air Force Instructor To Ukraine Ahead Of F-16 Arrivals and Netherlands Joins Denmark In Saying Ukraine Can Use F-16s To Strike Inside Russia.
The F-16 is a nuclear capable aircraft. The Russians can never know what its payload is, so its presence in the Ukraine is a Russian red line. The F-16 requires a long runway and few airfields in the Ukraine can accept them. Russia has been knocking out such airfields as they are renovated. I believe they are on record as saying that if F-16s are flown from NATO airfields these fields will be attacked.
The history of the conflict I have covered in a number of posts in The WWIII Chronicles. The articles marked with an ‘*’ contain key background information with links to source documents. However, for a quick overview of the factors leading up to the current war, watch Prof. John Mearsheimer’s interview below (30:20 minutes).
The West is at war with Russia. When a country goes to war, it demonizes the enemy to gain the popular support that it needs to wage it. To do this they heavily propagandize the conflict. Hence the term used by Vladimir Lenin for the proletariat as his “useful idiots”. If you don’t understand the background of the waar, you would benefit from determining whose useful idiot that you are.
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