The best exposition on angelic beings that I have encountered is by Dr. Michael S. Heiser, titled Angels: What the Bible Really Says About God’s Heavenly Host. A set of videos summarizing the book has been published by the Logos Bible Study Platform. Without commentary, here they are in sequence.

Starting about 6:45, a key issue for me is resolved. The question was that since angels (in heaven) lacked genitalia as implied by Christ’s answer to the Sadducees in Matthew 22:23-30, how did they breed with the daughters of men? The answer is that coming to earth they took on earthly human bodies, putting aside their heavenly bodies.

The same passage resolves another key question for me. At the resurrection we abandon our physical body for a new heavenly body which is of heavenly form and not physical earthly form.

Beginning at 5:53, guardian angels are discussed.

In this video there is a brief discussion of the heavenly powers, the fallen angels that govern the nations today. This is a topic that I am pondering in relation to the degradation of my own country in all aspects.

Articles in This Series

Refer to the series index in Notes on a Spiritual Journey.


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I started a blog in 2011 called The POOG, an acronym for "pissed off old guy". This is the current incarnation.


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