Having read the Book of Revelation a couple of times without achieving any major understanding, I came across a series of commentary videos by the Roman Catholic (RC) theologian Dr. Taylor Marshall. His videos formed the core of my studies. During development of this study series, I came across a protestant pastor, Paul LeBoutillier, who had a series of videos on the Book of Revelation also. These are now included.

Choice of bibles is somewhat problematic for me. By upbringing I am most familiar with the King James version (KJV) which I will use in this series. . There is an online edition of it that I use that also links to four commentaries by four theologians whom I assume are protestant. My wife and I studied the bible for many years and we used the Oxford Annotated Bible. She currently uses the New International version (NIV) and has an RC version from her family. I find the KJV close enough to Taylor’s bible that I am comfortable referencing that. I would vehemently reject any recent version that has been dumbed down for our current degenerate culture.

I first decided to do a personal study on the book and started to create blog pages to capture the links, notes on commentaries, and my own remarks for each chapter. Later, this expanded to the idea of a full study course for a reader. It has all the links available with a couple of mouse clicks, eliminating long searches to find the material. When I do research, I like to capture links to all material so the effort isn’t thrown away. It also makes it easier for me to review, something I pass on to you.

In this series my comments will not be complete, expecting you to view all the videos. These articles fall into the category of studies on the end times, or Eschatology.

The RC Bias

Taylor is straight up on the fact that this is the RC understanding of Revelation or the Apocalypse as he refers to the book. There are a couple of RC-specific doctrinal points that bother me. However, the overwhelming content in his commentary is not affected by this bias. The overwhelming bias is solid biblical understanding. If this bothers you, you’re on the wrong site.

As Taylor notes throughout, there are deep connections to the Old Testament (OT), particularly the prophets. A full study should encompass these OT references but this series does not move in that direction. Also, in each of his videos, he provides considerable context to the times of when the prophecy was given.

The Protestant Bias

Since protestants may have different doctrinal views and different emphasis on scriptural points than catholic, I am happy to be able to include a set of commentary videos by a protestant theologian.

Recommended Study Approach

There are two ways that I recommend studying Revelation, a high-level read (short) and a deep study (long) program.

The High-Level Read

Taylor has broken his study into 16 videos. I have condensed these into a 7-part series by doubling up in most cases. Since each video is about an hour, I recommend doing one video a day so that the course will take 16 days. But please proceed at a pace such that you are learning and not feeling pressured. Also, no one fully understands Revelation on one read.

Here are the steps for each session:

  1. Find a time and place where you will be comfortable and uninterrupted for about 1 to 1 1/2 hours.
  2. Begin with a prayer that includes asking for discernment and understanding.
  3. Read the chapter directly from the bible. You don’t have to understand it but merely be a little familiar with it.
  4. Watch Taylor’s video on the chapter.
  5. Make notes if you like for further study.
  6. You can repeat this study as often as you like.

Instead of Taylor’s videos use Paul’s. Since this is a high level program, I do not recommend switching between the two commentators. That is left for an in-depth study.

The Deep Study Program

This approach is more free-form. I recommend starting each session with steps 1-3 above. You may also use steps 4-6 but in this case you will be using other commentaries. You will likely be comparing points from different authors and moving back and forth throughout the book as certain symbols and themes recur.

I find extensive prayer and meditation essential on points that lack clarity or appear to harbour contradiction. I believe a lifetime of study will not reveal all that is therein. Also, there is much that is impossible for us to fully grasp. Our mortal, earthly, and sinful bodies will never be able to fully appreciate the realty of the heavenly realm. The best that we can hope for is the use of good figurative language and metaphor of the kind that makes the book so challenging. However, take heart. Recall St. Paul’s words:

For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.

1 Corinthians 13:12, KJV

When I finish writing this study guide I am going to follow the complete deep study program from the beginning myself.

And may the blessings of the Lord fall richly upon you as you study His word.

Links to the Seven Parts of the Series

Articles in This Series

Refer to the series index in A New Direction.


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I started a blog in 2011 called The POOG, an acronym for "pissed off old guy". This is the current incarnation.


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